Spirit filled Rishikesh

We followed the Ganges along a back road north to Rishikesh, through a national park name Rajaji National Park. It was a very pretty drive, Tarun and Lehku were expecting to see deer, however the only animals we saw were monkeys and plenty of them! We ascended and descended numerous times and then came to the beautiful valley that the Ganges winds through and the city of Rishikesh calls home. The drive into Rishikesh is beautiful, very picturesque. We stopped about 10klms out and admired the beautiful view over the city, it was just divine with the Ganges meandering its way and then changing to small rapids and back to its more quieter spiritual look! Imagine this surrounded by the foothills of the Himalayias, so beautiful. As you get closer to Rishikesh you are confronted with the feeling that you MUST try white water rafting or maybe you wont get to experience Rishikesh. I had the feeling there was more to Rishikesh than white water rafting! I wonder if the Beatles did white water rafting when they were here back in the sixties in their ashram? Actually, I don’t even care about the Beatles! There are Holy Men everywhere in their bright orange outfits, Tarun says some aren’t the real deal and just dress up to get money, I have no idea who is legit and who isn’t!  Hotels and guest houses are built along the edges of the mountains, it is very tourist and yet very beautiful. This is probably the place where we have seen the most tourists. It is a mega city for spirituality, meditation, yoga and white water rafting, a few reasons to visit I guess!  Of course, there are also a billion, or maybe less, people!!


We head down to the Ganges to attend the evening Aarti which commences at dusk. There are so many different nationalities, so many age groups, I have no idea what to expect? Everyone who crosses the footbridge appears to be headed to the Aarti.20150425_18033620150425_183402

Some young priests begin the chanting around a fire pit with what seemed like a family receiving a special kind of blessing. The fire is significant, the ceremony faces the Ganges and as the sun sets it is beautiful. At the end of the ceremony the priests bring around lamps filled with the fire for devotees to wave it over themselves, it is a moving ritual, we participate and then bathe our feet in the Ganges. The water is cool, clean and alive. It is a moving time, I love it and I am so impressed by the joy that the people experience. Everyone is so happy. Toward the end of the Aarti we have the opportunity to pray corporately for the people of Nepal, it was the day of the earthquake and such a privilege to pray for these neighbours only 300 or so kms away. Its another one of those moments, omg we are in India.

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